Is there freshwater under our oceans? 🔊

Is there freshwater under our oceans? 🔊

A group of researchers has found that there are definite and viable sources of freshwater under our oceans. Adrian Werner of Flinders University has been leading a team studying groundwater, and offshore aquifers, and their findings suggest there is freshwater....
Are countries and cities running out of water?

Are countries and cities running out of water?

By Anna Kucirkova Anna Kucirkova outlines the problems associated with water scarcity, what cities are being hit the hardest by it, and how we can solve the ongoing global water crisis. There is a water crisis. Because water covers 70% of our planet, we tend to think...
Q+A: How do we solve the global water crisis?

Q+A: How do we solve the global water crisis?

The world is facing a water crisis. The World Bank and the United Nations have reported that some forty percent of the world’s population is now affected by water scarcity. Two billion people rely on unsafe drinking water, and some 700 million people are at risk...
How can we help alleviate the water crisis? 🔊

How can we help alleviate the water crisis? 🔊

The world is fast running out of freshwater, according to experts, and the results could be very grim in the form of wildfires, droughts, rationing, less food, and more hunger. The causes are linked to overconsumption and a growing human population. Thomas Kostigen...
What are the realities facing our water? 🔊

What are the realities facing our water? 🔊

While water is a basic human right, some three billion people face water scarcity, and some countries are running out of water. Maria Armoudian explores the realities of water with Barbara Cosens and Rick Hogeboom. Barbara Cosens is a Professor of Law at the College...