Why do human rights campaigns fail in China? ▶

Why do human rights campaigns fail in China? ▶

Why have so many human rights campaigns, such as Free Tibet and the Falun Gong, failed in China? Why have others, such as better environmental protection and HIV/Aids care, fared better? What have the costs been on political movements with the more successful...
What is the infinite game? ▶

What is the infinite game? ▶

Living life as an infinite game is something Niki Harré explores in her new book, The Infinite Game. She looks at our society (are people pawns or participants?) and ourselves (what kind of player would you like to be?) to offer a uniquely different vision of how we...
Why is China the way it is politically? ▶

Why is China the way it is politically? ▶

Stephen Noakes from the School of Science at the University of Auckland talks about his big question, “why is China the way it is politically?” Noakes is currently engaged in a pair of book projects. The first is a cross-national comparative study of China’s...
How do we restore marine ecosystems? ▶

How do we restore marine ecosystems? ▶

Professor Simon Thrush from the Institute of Marine Science at the University of Auckland talks about his big question, “how do we restore marine ecosystems?” Thrush’s current research interests focus on the ecology of coastal ecosystems, how they respond to...
What is context?  ▶

What is context? ▶

Associate Professor Mark Amsler from the School of Cultures, Languages and Linguistics at the University of Auckland talks about his big question, “what is context?” Amsler is currently working in the areas of medieval studies, history of linguistics, and cultural...
How can we address sexual harassment and abuse? ▶

How can we address sexual harassment and abuse? ▶

How can we address sexual harassment and abuse? Two scholars share their thoughts on sexual harassment and abuse both online and off. Nicola Henry is the Principal Research Fellow at the Centre for Global Research at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. In her talk...