Nov 17, 2022 | Business & Economics, Ngā Ara Whetū, Science & Technology
Photo by Gulfside Mike on Unsplash One of the biggest challenges facing Aotearoa New Zealand’s environmental response are its farms. Addressing agriculture is central to reducing New Zealand’s unique emissions profile and combatting the impacts of climate change. New...
Nov 16, 2022 | Business & Economics, Featured, Ngā Ara Whetū, Politics & Society, Science & Technology
New Zealand’s first wind turbine, built in Brooklyn, Wellington, in 1993. Wikimedia The Big Q is partnering with the University of Auckland’s Climate Systems Laboratory and Ngā Ara Whetū Centre for Climate, Biodiversity and Society. During this...
Nov 10, 2022 | Ngā Ara Whetū, Politics & Society
An aerial view of Pakistani flood survivors isolated on a road surrounded by water. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Jason Bushong – Lisa Vanhala, UCL Payments from high-emitting countries to mitigate the harm that climate...
Aug 25, 2021 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society
By Timothy Welch To get New Zealanders out of their cars we’ll need to start charging the true cost of driving. In light of last week’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report confirming human activity is “unequivocally” driving global warming, here’s a...
Jul 20, 2021 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society
By Timothy F. Welch A sustainable city could look like the ones we know today. It could look like the ones we see in science fiction movies, or it could look like something which none of us has yet dreamt. No one knows what the world will look like in a generation....
Jul 12, 2021 | Business & Economics
By Denise Montgomery We all know Covid-19 has had a major impact on tourism. Professor Andreas Neef says it’s a good time to have a rethink about the type of tourism the world needs. Professor Andreas Neef admits that sometimes he may depress his students. “But...
Jul 6, 2021 | Business & Economics, Science & Technology
By Grant Covic, Nick Long & Doug Wilson Wireless charging stations set in the pavement for vehicles to park over are closer than you think, for both cars and heavy transport vehicles. Urgent action is needed to increase the ease of owning and operating electric...
Dec 21, 2020 | Business & Economics, Referee
By Madison Pascoe Regular meal subscription services such as My Food Bag and Hello Fresh market themselves as a convenient alternative to supermarket shopping to consumers with a large focus on sustainability. But is it actually transformational change or too little,...
Oct 27, 2020 | Science & Technology
Listen to a conversation between Cate Macinnis-Ng, associate professor in the School of Biological Sciences, and Niki Harre, professor in the School of Psychology on how trees respond to climate-related stress. Cate’s speciality is kauri and drought, so this...
Sep 24, 2020 | Business & Economics, Science & Technology
By Ivanhoe K.H. Leung, Cameron C. Weber & L. James Wright The textile and clothing manufacturing industry comes with a heavy price including environmental pollution and the well-publicised issues around the income and working conditions for workers. What is the...