Why are we sending worms into space?

Why are we sending worms into space?

By Christopher Gaffney & Bethan Phillips We are sending worms into space. But why? Space launches are some of the most spectacular and nerve wracking events you can witness. And when you are actually involved in one, you realise just how much can go wrong. We are...
Water on Mars: Does this mean life existed?

Water on Mars: Does this mean life existed?

By Jonti Horner After the recent discovery of a large liquid water lake on Mars, Jonti Horner explores what this means for the ongoing quest to find life on the red planet. We now know that there is permanent liquid water on Mars, according to a paper published last...
Who owns the moon?

Who owns the moon?

By Frans von der Dunk A space lawyer takes up the challenge to answer the question of who owns the moon. Most likely, this is the best-known picture of a flag ever taken: Buzz Aldrin standing next to the first U.S. flag planted on the Moon. For those who knew their...
What happened to life on Mars?

What happened to life on Mars?

By Monica Grady Monica Grady looks at the recent detection of organic material on Mars and whether this means more evidence of past life on the red planet. It was to a great fanfare of publicity that researchers announced they had found evidence for past life on Mars...