Q+A: What are the hidden costs of civilisation?

Q+A: What are the hidden costs of civilisation?

What are the hidden costs of civilisation? Could civilisation be behind disease, mental illness, climate change, and religious fundamentalism? Spencer Wells thinks it might just be. Maria Armoudian speaks to Wells about his book Pandora’s Seed: The Unforeseen Cost of...
Is it safe to eat GMO foods?

Is it safe to eat GMO foods?

By Devang Mehta Genomics expert Devang Mehta explores whether it is safe to eat genetically modified food. So far, all commercially available GMO crops, anywhere in the world, have been found to be substantially equivalent to their non-GM counterparts. This means that...
Pulling all-nighters may damage your brain

Pulling all-nighters may damage your brain

By Hannah Thomasy Doctoral candidate Hannah Thomasy discusses the impacts of all-nighters on the brain. Is staying up late a health risk? For decades, scientists have suspected that there is a connection between poor sleep and neurodegenerative diseases like...
Should you let your dog lick your face?

Should you let your dog lick your face?

By Jennifer Tsang Dogs stick their noses in everything, but many people believe their saliva is beneficial. Dog licks have been considered medically beneficial to humans for millennia. In ancient Egypt, dogs were used in healing practices since they believed that dog...
Is inheritance about more than just genes?

Is inheritance about more than just genes?

By Nicola Shepheard Epigenetics has been hailed as the missing link between genes and environment. Nicola Shepheard explores this phenomenon in greater detail and seeks out whether inheritance is about more than just genes. The growing knowledge of how experiences get...
What happened to life on Mars?

What happened to life on Mars?

By Monica Grady Monica Grady looks at the recent detection of organic material on Mars and whether this means more evidence of past life on the red planet. It was to a great fanfare of publicity that researchers announced they had found evidence for past life on Mars...