May 24, 2018 | Politics & Society, Referee
New Zealand has some of the worst housing deprivation rates in the developed world per capita, and they appear to be getting worse. An article citing OECD statistics by Yale Global Online states that New Zealand has the worst homeless rate in the OECD adding that...
May 10, 2018 | Politics & Society
The 21st century has already witnessed revolutions in Ukraine, Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya, alongside other uprisings and transformational movements that reach all over the world. Although these movements had their roots in earlier movements and revolutions, they are...
May 9, 2018 | Politics & Society
Why have so many human rights campaigns, such as Free Tibet and the Falun Gong, failed in China? Why have others, such as better environmental protection and HIV/Aids care, fared better? What have the costs been on political movements with the more successful...
May 3, 2018 | Politics & Society, Referee, Science & Technology
The New Zealand Government adopted the “Smokefree 2025” policy in March 2011. The aim of the policy is to bring smoking rates to below five percent of all population groups by December 2025. Arguably, the main measure for achieving this goal is the attempt to make...
Apr 26, 2018 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society
How did corporations get civil rights? That is Adam Winkler’s question. He says that the corporate rights movement began as early as 1809 with Alexander Hamilton’s Bank of the United States case. That was followed by an advancement of corporate rights in 1882...
Apr 19, 2018 | Science & Technology
After the recent passing of world-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, Maria Armoudian talked with Peter Galison, physics professor at Harvard, and Priya Natarajan, professor of astronomy and physics at Yale, about the work and legacy of Hawking within the context of...
Apr 11, 2018 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
America has entered an age of excess, according to Jay Slosar. Driven by a maddening quest for perfection, technology, deregulation, and a superficial and often inaccurate mass media, America’s national psychology has become increasingly narcissistic. This is leading...
Apr 5, 2018 | Politics & Society
The world is facing a water crisis. The World Bank and the United Nations have reported that some forty percent of the world’s population is now affected by water scarcity. Two billion people rely on unsafe drinking water, and some 700 million people are at risk...
Apr 3, 2018 | Politics & Society
Throughout history, food has played many roles in changing the world. It has been a weapon of war, an offering for peace, a force of development, imperialism, and an organizer of societies. In many cases, food and its production have had some of the most profound...
Mar 29, 2018 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
How people remember historical events helps to shape the future of the world. Some facts may be conveniently dropped, or information may be framed in a way that creates a different mythological memory of the past. In this way memory is itself a battlefield where...