Sep 28, 2018 | Science & Technology
The introduction of genome editing signals a dramatic departure from the usual pathway through reproductive care. However, the use of genetic technologies in reproduction is frequently criticised for harbouring eugenic undertones. Helen O’Neill, Lecturer in...
May 3, 2018 | Politics & Society, Referee, Science & Technology
The New Zealand Government adopted the “Smokefree 2025” policy in March 2011. The aim of the policy is to bring smoking rates to below five percent of all population groups by December 2025. Arguably, the main measure for achieving this goal is the attempt to make...
May 3, 2018 | Politics & Society
Stephen Winter from the School of Social Sciences at the University of Auckland talks about his big question, “how do we respond to survivors of institutional abuse in care?” Winter tends to work on questions of state wrongdoing and its redress. At present, he is...
Sep 4, 2017 | Politics & Society
Murdoch Stephens started the ‘Doing Our Bit’ campaign to double New Zealand’s refugee quota in June 2013. In this lecture hosted by the Public Policy Institute, he discusses the issue of refugees, resettlement, and campaigning, looking at the projection of...
Jun 30, 2017 | Politics & Society
With unprecedented global warming, wealth disparities and peak everything, there is no question that we need to act now to meet the power, heating and transportation needs of growing populations, and to do so sustainably, equitably and democratically. What are the...
Jun 20, 2017 | Politics & Society
Sugar and fat taxes, controlling density of fast food outlets, and mandatory portion sizes are examples of policies that aim to reduce obesity by raising costs. Assume such policies would be effective. While they typically raise ethical questions about whether they...
Jun 7, 2017 | Politics & Society
How are non-governmental organisations, social movements and transnational networks working to combat climate change globally and locally? Maria Armoudian is joined by Astrid Carrapatoso to discuss this. Carrapatoso has published studies on climate change policy...