Dec 15, 2020 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
The COVID-19 pandemic has reached a new high in infections across the US, Europe, and around the world. But good news is on the horizon with the development of several vaccines. How quickly will the vaccines be distributed? What principles will guide their...
Nov 16, 2020 | Science & Technology
By Mark Thomas “High levels of vaccination may be expected to provide our communities with the best possible protection against COVID-19.” Preventing catastrophic community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is the goal of many nations. Those, such as New Zealand,...
Nov 16, 2020 | Science & Technology
Recent news from pharmaceutical powerhouse Pfizer that a promising vaccine for the COVID-19 virus may soon be made available worldwide, including in New Zealand, has provided optimism in a time of significant anxiety, as infection rates soar internationally. We spoke...
Nov 12, 2020 | Politics & Society
By Joseph Boden “We will begin to make real progress when we realise that the War on Drugs has been a complete failure and damaging to our society, and that significant changes in our attitudes and laws are needed to begin to deal with drugs as a health issue,...
Oct 21, 2020 | Science & Technology
As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, the world is racing to create a viable vaccine to help control the spread of the virus. Is New Zealand ready for a vaccine? How will it be rolled out? And how effective will it be? Jemima Huston spoke to University of Otago...
Aug 31, 2020 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
Misinformation is rampant about COVID-19, and in some cases, it has caused death, blindness, emergency health issues, widespread stigma, and social ostracization. Holly Seale and Md. Saiful Islam were part of a team that studied the rumors, conspiracies, and...
Aug 11, 2020 | Politics & Society
By Ben Goldson Once capable of taking a leading role in the fight against disease, the World Health Organization has struggled to replicate its early successes in recent decades, including in its response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Earlier this year, following...
Jul 22, 2020 | Science & Technology
By Michael Plank, Alex James, Audrey Lustig, Nicholas Steyn, Rachelle Binny & Shaun Hendy Stringent border controls and mandatory quarantine give New Zealand a good chance to remain free of COVID-19 for months to come, according to our latest modelling. It’s been...
Jun 25, 2020 | Science & Technology
By David Murdoch COVID-19 is being referred to as a “once in a century event” – but the next pandemic is likely to hit sooner than you think. In the next few decades, we will likely see other pandemics. We can predict that with reasonable confidence because of the...
Jun 17, 2020 | Science & Technology
By Gilbert Wong Robot caregivers can help maintain independence as we age, but the trick is getting humans to trust them. It will not surprise those with a pessimistic view of humanity to know that even robots suffer racial prejudice. In a study by German researchers...