Oct 6, 2023 | Featured, Politics & Society
NZ’s Green Party is ‘filling the void on the left’ as voters grow frustrated with Labour’s centrist shift Priya Kurian, University of Waikato The Green Party has run a strong campaign. With a 14.2% share in the latest Newshub-Reid Research poll, up by 1.9...
Feb 16, 2022 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society
By Susan St John Susan St John responds to the newly-announced income insurance scheme with some suggestions on how to tweak and improve what we already have. The welfare state should ensure there is always adequate income in the event of loss of employment,...
Sep 16, 2021 | Politics & Society
By Felicity Mulford & Kate Vigneswaran Throughout Yemen’s brutal war, parties to the conflict have deprived civilians of the food and water they need to survive, starving them to death. In ‘Starvation Makers’, a joint report released last week, Mwatana for Human...
Sep 8, 2021 | Politics & Society
Haiti is one of the poorest nations in the world. But what are the causes of this poverty? International aid has flown into the nation, in particular, throughout the last two to three decades. It has also been the target of intentional military intervention and...
Aug 11, 2021 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
By Denise Montgomery Dr Jin Russell is working at the coalface of children’s health and says poverty has a major effect on childhood development as well as contributing to illness. Dr Jin Russell’s lightning-bolt moment came during a night shift as a paediatric...
Apr 21, 2021 | Politics & Society
By Paul Rogers Rising inequality provides ripe pickings for militant Islamist groups plotting insurgencies – and ensures the ‘war on terror’ is far from over. My most recent column warned of the escalating threat of worsening conflicts driven by al-Qaida, Isis and...
Mar 1, 2021 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society
The COVID-19 pandemic in America has exposed distinct economic divides throughout the country. But much of the issue of poverty in the US is based on public images rather than empirical evidence. What are the myths about poverty in the US? Can a better understanding...
Jun 8, 2020 | Politics & Society
By Ben Goldson In recent years, the “Housing First” model has become thrust to the forefront of the debate around homelessness, with its numerous advocates pointing to its apparent success in trial programmes. In recent years, the “Housing First” model has become...
Feb 12, 2020 | Politics & Society
Why are New Zealand houses so damp and mouldy? Is the housing stock to blame? Is it the way houses are constructed? Is it the typology? Lillian Hanley spoke with Philippa Howden-Chapman about the state of New Zealand’s houses, and what effect damp and mouldy homes...
Jan 16, 2020 | Politics & Society
In 2015, the United Nations passed the sustainable development goals with targets for poverty reduction, economic development, environmental protection, and political empowerment. How were these goals chosen? Has the UN been achieving its goals? How is sustainability...