Aug 14, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Jess Berentson-Shaw In an extract from her new book “Talking Truth in a Post-Truth World,” Jess Berentson-Shaw discusses whether we can teach critical thinking in what many deem to be a post-truth world. ‘You don’t need to be a scientist to think...
Aug 7, 2018 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
By Michael Graw Microbial ecology expert Michael Graw discusses what we should be doing to combat wildfires. The West is burning. A spate of wildfires in California killed 10 people on Monday, in addition to the 8.5 million acres of the western United States that had...
Aug 2, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Andrea Oelsner & Federico Merke Andrea Oelsner and Federico Merke explore the ongoing political crisis in Venezuela and offer up five reasons why the nightmare could get worse. “It’s time for a coup in Venezuela.” That statement appeared in Foreign Policy...
Aug 2, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Joshua Habgood-Coote It has become part of our daily vocabulary but is the term ‘fake news’ doing more harm than good? Joshua Habgood-Coote explores. During a recent press conference in the UK, Donald Trump shut down a reporter from the news network he...
Jul 26, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Frans von der Dunk A space lawyer takes up the challenge to answer the question of who owns the moon. Most likely, this is the best-known picture of a flag ever taken: Buzz Aldrin standing next to the first U.S. flag planted on the Moon. For those who knew their...
Jul 3, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Anna Kucirkova Anna Kucirkova outlines the problems associated with water scarcity, what cities are being hit the hardest by it, and how we can solve the ongoing global water crisis. There is a water crisis. Because water covers 70% of our planet, we tend to think...
Jul 2, 2018 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
Music and politics have always had a strong relationship going back to the days of the Civil Rights Movement, the anti-war movement, and campaigns to combat racism. These days, artists such as Childish Gambino are pushing the boundaries visually and musically when it...
Jun 28, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Peter Rutland The football world cup is currently taking place in Russia. Peter Rutland looks at weather the event will be another political victory for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Half a million soccer fans will head to Russia to watch their national teams...
Jun 18, 2018 | Politics & Society, Referee
By Andrew Lim Andrew Lim tries to make sense of the recent Malaysian election and the changes that have occurred as a result. The 14th Malaysian general election (GE14), held on 9 May 2018, will be long remembered as an important date in Malaysian history. For the...
May 31, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Samuel Blouin Samuel Blouin explores the concept of ‘suicide tourism’ while looking at the Swiss model of the right to die. Two weeks ago, the 104-year-old Australian scientist David Goodall flew from his home in Western Australia to Switzerland to access...