Mar 5, 2018 | Politics & Society
The United Nations Secretary-General has called Syria hell on Earth. How did it get this bad? What are the geopolitics at play? And what about the rest of the Middle East? Maria Armoudian discusses the ongoing crisis in Syria and the surrounding areas with Laurie A....
Feb 27, 2018 | Business & Economics
How do most of what we buy and consume help create wars as well as prop up dictatorships and systems of oppression? How can we change this? Maria Armoudian talks to Leif Wenar about blood oil and consumer choice. Leif Wenar is a chair of philosophy and law at Kings...
Feb 21, 2018 | Arts & Culture
As Black History Month ends for another year, has it had its intended impact? Maria Armoudian explores this question and revisits theΒ 1920 founding of Black History Month and the pivotal civil rights campaign in Birmingham with V.P. Franklin. V.P. Franklin is a...
Feb 20, 2018 | Science & Technology
With climate change upon us, the Earth is changing the way it functions. What exactly is occurring and where are we headed? Some scientists are saying the world is changing more rapidly than we first expected, ecosystems are shifting and some species are dying out....
Feb 19, 2018 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
The relationship between a United States president and his vice-president, however close they may be during their time in office, rarely extends beyond the White House. The bond between Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon, however, endured as a result of both...
Feb 14, 2018 | Politics & Society
How have social movements changed in the twenty-first century, and how have new communication technologies facilitated that change? What makes some social movements sustainable and successful while others are more short-term? What is the future for social movements?...
Feb 13, 2018 | Science & Technology
For many years geneticists and psychologists have worked in separate labs on factors such as our genetic codes and our experiences that they each thought were affecting our physical and mental health, respectively. But it may be that our experiences are affecting our...
Feb 12, 2018 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
What are the differences between race and ethnicity? How is race distinct from ethnicity? What has race and ethnicity meant in politics, education, and society? Maria Armoudian discusses the concepts of race and ethnicity with David Livingstone Smith and Garrett...
Feb 12, 2018 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
In 1918 the leaders of the FBI William Burns and J Edgar Hoover expressed deep concern about the power of movie stars to affect politics. As a result, they began a surveillance program to watch over those they thought might be radicals. Since then, it has long seemed...
Feb 7, 2018 | Politics & Society
Closing Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility was one of former US President Barack Obama’s campaign promises. In 2009 he decreed that Guantanamo Bay would be closed within a year. It never was, and now President Donald Trump intends to keep it open. What are the...