Do animals feel fear?

Do animals feel fear?

By Cassie Freund Afraid of lions by moonlight and raptors by day, animals will behave in dramatic ways, as Cassie Freund explains. Anyone who has ever watched a horror movie late at night while home alone understands how fear can affect behavior. You may be on high...
How to be a better tourist? Look to the Galápagos

How to be a better tourist? Look to the Galápagos

By Jenny Howard Tourism accounts for eight percent of greenhouse gas emissions and Jenny Howard says we can do more to limit our carbon footprint. Flying on an airplane always gives me a rush, especially when the plane is heading toward the Galápagos. Without fail,...
Q+A: Humans: The most damaging predator on Earth?

Q+A: Humans: The most damaging predator on Earth?

Is humanity the most damaging predator on Earth? Many experts say yes and that its predatory practices are disrupting evolution. Maria Armoudian speaks with three researchers who have looked at this issue: Chris Darimont, Tom Reimchen, and Heather Bryan. Chris...