Are surfers selfish?

Are surfers selfish?

By Taga Dagat* Are surfers selfish when it comes to looking after the environment? Kiwi surfers often lay claim to being the southernmost surfing community in the world. Located on the tip of the Polynesian Triangle, Aotearoa New Zealand’s swell-exposed coasts are...
Why are glaciers declining in New Zealand? 🔊

Why are glaciers declining in New Zealand? 🔊

2018 saw the worst ice melts in New Zealand since the 1980s. But why are glaciers declining in Aotearoa? Mitch Fuller speaks with doctoral student Lauren Vargo about her research into glacial melting. Lauren Vargo is a doctoral student at the Antarctic Research Centre...
Q+A: Why are shark populations in decline?

Q+A: Why are shark populations in decline?

Often thought of as the king of the ocean, shark populations are on the decline the world over, while their habitats have been affected by human contact. Mitchell Fuller talks to Riley Elliot about sharks, their decline, and the role they play as apex predators in our...
Why is the Kererū so important? 🔊

Why is the Kererū so important? 🔊

They are known to get drunk on berries, fall out of trees, and hang around humans, but Kererū have become something of a New Zealand icon. They are also the only bird left in New Zealand that can distribute large seeds, and their disappearance would be a disaster for...