Nov 2, 2020 | Science & Technology
By Finlay MacDonald Few countries were ready for the pandemic that’s hit the world. So has the Covid-19 crisis taught us anything about ameliorating the threats of climate change? The world is heading to be 1 degree warmer in 2040, leading to fires, floods, heatwaves...
Oct 27, 2020 | Science & Technology
Listen to a conversation between Cate Macinnis-Ng, associate professor in the School of Biological Sciences, and Niki Harre, professor in the School of Psychology on how trees respond to climate-related stress. Cate’s speciality is kauri and drought, so this...
Oct 12, 2020 | Science & Technology
What is eco-anxiety? How can we learn to be less anxious as the effects of climate change become more prominent? This seminar hosted by the University of Auckland Sustainability Network explores the issue of eco-anxiety and includes speakers from the University of...
Oct 12, 2020 | Science & Technology
By Joanne Ellis Climate change is causing increased large-scale coral bleaching. That’s because when water is too warm, corals expel the algae living in their tissues, causing the coral to turn completely white. If high temperatures persist, then the absence of these...
Sep 23, 2020 | Science & Technology
In the last few weeks, the western part of the United States has experienced one of the worst wildfire seasons in history. Not coincidently, some areas have also recorded the highest temperatures since records began. What is the relationship between climate change and...
Aug 20, 2020 | Science & Technology
By Lauren Vargo Glaciers around the world are melting — and for the first time, we can now directly attribute annual ice loss to climate change. We analysed two years in which glaciers in New Zealand melted the most in at least four decades: 2011 and 2018. Both years...
Jul 30, 2020 | Science & Technology
By Brendon Dunphy Currently, 90% of our seabirds are threatened with extinction. It is a colossal loss and a colossally sad number. Aotearoa/New Zealand is the seabird capital of the world. From inspiring ocean wanderers such as the royal albatross (who may not touch...
May 4, 2020 | Science & Technology
By Troy Baisden The latest environmental report on New Zealand’s lakes and rivers reiterates bleak news about the state of freshwater ecosystems, and warns that climate change will exacerbate existing threats. Almost all New Zealand rivers running through urban and...
Apr 21, 2020 | Science & Technology
By Christopher Trisos & Alex Pigot The impacts of climate change on species and ecosystems are already evident. But what will the world’s biodiversity look like in the future? The impacts of climate change on species and ecosystems are already evident. Poleward...
Mar 17, 2020 | Science & Technology
By Rebecca Dzombak The poles are warming faster than the rest of the planet, causing extreme weather events in the Northern hemisphere. If you’ve been in the Northern Hemisphere lately, you have probably experienced some extreme weather. From extreme cold and snowy...