Jul 4, 2018 | Politics & Society
Great speculation has arisen about the effects of Justice Anthony Kennedy’s resignation from the Supreme Court, particularly on the rights, liberties, and politics in the United States. Will it ultimately change course in the USA? And does this also illuminate...
May 8, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Geoffrey Palmer & Andrew Butler Geoffrey Palmer and Andrew Butler outline their vision for a Constitution for New Zealand. This Constitution aims to describe in a single, easy-to-read document the bedrock principles by which public power should be exercised,...
Mar 26, 2018 | Politics & Society
Julianne Evans discusses the various ways in which indigenous oppression can be stopped with Fulbright Scholar Dr Andrew Erueti. Erueti spent four years working for Amnesty International as an indigenous rights advisor. When the richest one percent now own half of the...
Jan 23, 2018 | Politics & Society
Unprecedented times for the United States. Is the country facing an existential crisis? And if so what might affect the outcome? Maria Armoudian discusses the political context behind the current political climate in America with Louis Michael Seidman, Sanford...
Jan 22, 2018 | Politics & Society
The year 2018 may be one of the most important years in American history. Constitutional law professor Michael Simon argues that what happens in 2018 may determine whether or not the United States remains a coherent country. What are those determinants, and what might...
Oct 3, 2017 | Politics & Society
How did the second amendment of the US constitution come to be interpreted as an individual’s right to bear arms? How does this change contrast with other changes in constitutional interpretation, such as the right to marriage equality and human rights...
Jun 30, 2017 | Politics & Society
With unprecedented global warming, wealth disparities and peak everything, there is no question that we need to act now to meet the power, heating and transportation needs of growing populations, and to do so sustainably, equitably and democratically. What are the...
Jun 11, 2017 | Politics & Society
What are the implications of Brexit for the UK and Europe? After more than forty years of membership, the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union presents unprecedented legislative and constitutional challenges. In a public lecture given at the University of Auckland...
Jun 7, 2017 | Politics & Society
Throughout US history, conflict has risen between states’ rights to self-govern and the power of national government to pass laws applying across the country. With Donald Trump as president, many cities and states are gearing up to resist his agenda. How will states’...