What will be Kofi Annan’s legacy?

What will be Kofi Annan’s legacy?

By Danny Bradlow Danny Bradlow explores the legacy of former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Kofi Annan (80) was an important historical figure who played a critical role in many key events of the 1990s and 2000s. His death is therefore an opportunity to...
Is there such a thing as a just war? 🔊

Is there such a thing as a just war? 🔊

When former US President Barack Obama articulated his plan to destroy Islamic State, he was invoking what is known in political philosophy circles as just war theory. However, at the same time, he alluded to the idea that a new conception of just war theory was...
Is the IMF failing?

Is the IMF failing?

By Adam Triggs Adam Triggs investigates why the world’s economic crisis-fighting mechanisms are dangerously inadequate and whether the IMF is failing. It was only in January that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was celebrating the strength of the global...
Why is China the way it is politically? ▶

Why is China the way it is politically? ▶

Stephen Noakes from the School of Science at the University of Auckland talks about his big question, “why is China the way it is politically?” Noakes is currently engaged in a pair of book projects. The first is a cross-national comparative study of China’s...
Are governance styles changing in China?

Are governance styles changing in China?

By Lucy Austin Lucy Austin explores whether governance styles are changing in China in light of the introduction of presidential term limits. On the 11 March 2018, the National People’s Congress (NPC) of China voted to remove presidential term limits. The unusually...