How safe is vaping?

How safe is vaping?

By Denise Montgomery We know the damage smoking causes, but we’re yet to conduct conclusive research about vaping. That’s the focus for Kelly Burrowes for the next three years. Dr Kelly Burrowes likes to keep busy but one hobby might have to go on the backburner....
What causes the loss of smell in COVID-19?

What causes the loss of smell in COVID-19?

By Helen Murray New research shows that SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause significant damage to the olfactory bulb and brainstem and highlights the importance of monitoring the neurological symptoms of COVID-19. Although COVID-19 is primarily a respiratory disease, many...
Can you trust a robot?

Can you trust a robot?

By Gilbert Wong Robot caregivers can help maintain independence as we age, but the trick is getting humans to trust them. It will not surprise those with a pessimistic view of humanity to know that even robots suffer racial prejudice. In a study by German researchers...
Why are New Zealand houses so damp and mouldy? 🔊

Why are New Zealand houses so damp and mouldy? 🔊

Why are New Zealand houses so damp and mouldy? Is the housing stock to blame? Is it the way houses are constructed? Is it the typology? Lillian Hanley spoke with Philippa Howden-Chapman about the state of New Zealand’s houses, and what effect damp and mouldy homes...