Jun 5, 2020 | Politics & Society, Referee
By Justin Wong Marine Le Pen has already announced her bid for the presidency in 2022. Before the National Front’s (FN) Marine Le Pen advanced to the second round of the 2017 presidential election, philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy wrote in 2010 that she was “far-right...
Jan 29, 2019 | Politics & Society
By France Grenaudier-Klijn After over two months of active protest against the French Government, what next for the Yellow Vests? Saturday 19th January 2019 was the tenth act in the ‘Yellow Vests’ drama currently playing out on the French political and social scene....
Dec 13, 2018 | Politics & Society
By France Grenaudier-Klijn For the past four weeks, the Gilets jaunes protests have dominated the French socio-political landscape and monopolised the media. But who are they exactly? For the past four weeks, the Gilets jaunes – meaning ‘yellow vests’ – protests...