Apr 4, 2018 | Science & Technology
A major University of Otago-led study into an ancient climate change event that impacted a significant percentage of Earthβs oceans has brought into sharp focus a lesser-known villain in global warming: oxygen depletion. The study is the culmination of a major...
Mar 7, 2018 | Science & Technology
Scientists say we still have time to address climate change, and we have made headway, but we still have a long way to go. What do we need to do to combat climate change, and how worried should we be about global warming? Maria Armoudian speaks with renowned climate...
Feb 20, 2018 | Science & Technology
With climate change upon us, the Earth is changing the way it functions. What exactly is occurring and where are we headed? Some scientists are saying the world is changing more rapidly than we first expected, ecosystems are shifting and some species are dying out....
Feb 5, 2018 | Politics & Society
The world is fast running out of freshwater, according to experts, and the results could be very grim in the form of wildfires, droughts, rationing, less food, and more hunger. The causes are linked to overconsumption and a growing human population. Thomas Kostigen...
Feb 5, 2018 | Politics & Society
While water is a basic human right, some three billion people face water scarcity, and some countries are running out of water. Maria Armoudian explores the realities of water with Barbara Cosens and Rick Hogeboom. Barbara Cosens is a Professor of Law at the College...
Jan 23, 2018 | Science & Technology
Planet Earth has faced five mass extinctions in its lifetime. Now we may be facing the sixth. What have we learned from the previous mass extinctions that can help us avoid a total collapse? Can humanity rescue the planet that it has imperiled? Maria Armoudian talks...
Sep 25, 2017 | Science & Technology
Although it is the most important substance in our lives, many people hardly ever think about water, where it comes from, how it is used and its precarious future. Charles Fishman talks to Maria Armoudian about how water has shaped our past and how it will shape our...
Sep 14, 2017 | Politics & Society
Unprecedented storms and fires are ravaging communities and destroying lives, all the while revealing power dynamics in society, politics and economics. What are these risks and revelations? What needs to be done? Steve Matthewman and Naomi Zack discuss with Maria...
Sep 12, 2017 | Science & Technology
What are tipping points and what do they mean for our planet and our ecosystems on land and in the water? What causes these sudden changes, and how can society be better prepared for such events? Maria Armoudian discusses the phenomenon that is tipping points with...
Sep 2, 2017 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
Storms and fires are rising in both quantity and severity, bringing disastrous consequences to lives and livelihoods. How do we deal with the storms, particularly with the loss of power? Maria Armoudian talks to Steve Matthewman and Julie MacArthur. Steve Matthewman...