Dec 9, 2019 | Referee, Science & Technology
By Sean Endres As it becomes obvious that society’s use of fossil fuels needs to be addressed, renewable sources of energy have been celebrated as a way for the world to break its fossil fuel dependence. As it becomes increasingly obvious that society’s rampant use of...
Nov 11, 2019 | Business & Economics, Science & Technology
As California burns, oceans rise, storms intensify, and Greenland’s glaciers melt, the world continues to try to identify solutions to the ongoing climate crisis. Mark Jacobson has conducted a new study on the impacts of carbon capture and direct air capture. Are...
Sep 5, 2018 | Business & Economics, Science & Technology
Marc Jacobson has been working to take the world to 100% renewable energy by 2050, which he argues can slow down climate change and reverse some of the damage. Maria Armoudian spoke to Jacobson, co-founder of the Solutions Project, about his ongoing work to counter...
May 16, 2018 | Science & Technology
By Arunima Malik & Ya-Yen Sun Arunima Malik & Ya-Yen Sun look into the carbon footprint of tourism and find out it is bigger than we thought. The carbon footprint of tourism is about four times larger than previously thought, according to a world-first study...
Sep 2, 2017 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
Storms and fires are rising in both quantity and severity, bringing disastrous consequences to lives and livelihoods. How do we deal with the storms, particularly with the loss of power? Maria Armoudian talks to Steve Matthewman and Julie MacArthur. Steve Matthewman...
Jun 30, 2017 | Politics & Society
With unprecedented global warming, wealth disparities and peak everything, there is no question that we need to act now to meet the power, heating and transportation needs of growing populations, and to do so sustainably, equitably and democratically. What are the...