What’s causing inflation? 🔊

What’s causing inflation? 🔊

Since the COVID pandemic, the United States and other countries have faced challenges in terms of economic recovery. This has resulted in issues such as supply chain disruptions and what has been reported as high rates of inflation. What is inflation? What is causing...
What has happened to supply-chains?

What has happened to supply-chains?

By Stefano Riela As Covid-19 cases decline, capacity constraints and shortages should ease, spending on travel and entertainment should pick up, slowing demand for goods and taking some of the pressure off supply chains and delivery times. In recent months it has been...
How big is the economy of authoritarian regimes?

How big is the economy of authoritarian regimes?

By Stefano Riela Stefano Riela asks how big the economies are of authoritarian regimes.  The economy of authoritarian regimes comprises 30% of the World economy (see the red line in the figure). This percentage is on the rise, in contrast to what Francis Fukuyama...