Have the Americans lost the sense of democracy?

Have the Americans lost the sense of democracy?

By Marc Fleurbaey Marc Fleurbaey explores in these polarized times whether Americans have lost their sense of democracy. In Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville praised America’s egalitarian society, but warned against the tyranny of an ignorant majority and...
Is New Zealand the complacent nation?

Is New Zealand the complacent nation?

By Gavin Ellis  In an extract from his new book Complacent Nation, former New Zealand Herald editor-in-chief Gavin Ellis explores whether New Zealand really is a complacent nation. The letter looked innocuous enough at first glance. It sat in a filing cabinet in the...
How is Latin America fighting neoliberalism?

How is Latin America fighting neoliberalism?

By Kathryn Lehman, Walescka Pino-Ojeda and Genaro Oliveira As critical media consumers, the next time we see protests against a government in Latin America, we may be observing the necessary exercise of democratic rights. Because the real catastrophe may be that...