Aug 9, 2018 | Business & Economics
By Joya Kemper With the rise in ‘greening’ activities, so too the public debate about the notion of ‘greenwashing’ is on the increase. Joya Kemper looks at this growing global issue. We can’t continue to consume, pillage and pollute the earth. Put simply, if everyone...
Jul 19, 2018 | Science & Technology
By Elizabeth Boakes & David Redding Extinction is a natural process, but it’s happening at 1,000 times the normal speed. Does this mean we are experiencing a sixth mass extinction event? When Sudan the white rhino was put down by his carers earlier this year, it...
Jul 18, 2018 | Science & Technology
By Peter Styring & Katy Armstrong With the effects of climate change continuing to be widely felt around the world and the ongoing increase of CO₂ in the atmosphere, why can’t we just pull carbon dioxide out of the air? More people than ever are acutely...
Jul 10, 2018 | Arts & Culture, Science & Technology
By Patty Hamrick As climate change encroaches, our heritage is drowning, according to Patty Hamrick. The famous moai of Rapa Nui (also known as Easter Island) are, to many people, the face of archaeology. These massive statues made of dark, weathered stone,...
Jun 21, 2018 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society
As the effects of human activity on the environment become more widely felt, people are turning to crowdfunding campaigns to help conserve the Earth’s environment. But are they effective? If not for the public’s generosity, the iconic Statue of Liberty might not have...
Jun 14, 2018 | Science & Technology
Our options as a humanity may be dwindling in the face of climate change. The coming changes may completely alter the world as we know it with collapsed ecosystems, mass immigration of climate refugees, and more devastating wars over basic necessities such as food and...
May 16, 2018 | Science & Technology
By Arunima Malik & Ya-Yen Sun Arunima Malik & Ya-Yen Sun look into the carbon footprint of tourism and find out it is bigger than we thought. The carbon footprint of tourism is about four times larger than previously thought, according to a world-first study...
Apr 4, 2018 | Science & Technology
A major University of Otago-led study into an ancient climate change event that impacted a significant percentage of Earth’s oceans has brought into sharp focus a lesser-known villain in global warming: oxygen depletion. The study is the culmination of a major...
Mar 7, 2018 | Science & Technology
Scientists say we still have time to address climate change, and we have made headway, but we still have a long way to go. What do we need to do to combat climate change, and how worried should we be about global warming? Maria Armoudian speaks with renowned climate...
Feb 20, 2018 | Science & Technology
With climate change upon us, the Earth is changing the way it functions. What exactly is occurring and where are we headed? Some scientists are saying the world is changing more rapidly than we first expected, ecosystems are shifting and some species are dying out....