May 21, 2019 | Science & Technology
By Mandy Freund, Ben Henley, David Karoly, Helen McGregor & Nerilie Abram El Niño has rapidly become stronger and stranger, according to new research involving coral records. The pattern of El Niño has changed dramatically in recent years, according to the first...
May 6, 2019 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
A recent report from a team of researchers based at the University of Otago has found that our use of cars is harming both our health and our environment. The report, titled Turning the Tide, claims that urgent steps are needed to encourage New Zealanders to walk,...
Apr 25, 2019 | Science & Technology
A rise in the global consumption of meat will have major consequences for both the environment and for our own health, according to a new paper published in Science. 95bFM’s Jack Marshall spoke to Massey University Professor Ralph Sims about the report and what eating...
Apr 11, 2019 | Science & Technology
By Max Levy Bugs like it hot and evolve faster when there’s lots of carbon dioxide, meaning more mosquitoes, according to Max Levy. We often think of climate change in terms of extreme weather, but the impacts of global warming will extend far beyond natural...
Mar 27, 2019 | Science & Technology
We all know climate change is a problem. It is generally portrayed as an exclusively bio-physical issue that will impact things like our weather and oceans, agriculture and water availability. But climate change also has an impact on mental health. 95bFM’s Ella...
Mar 13, 2019 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society, Science & Technology
Late last year, the United Nations Inter-Governmental Panel on climate change released a special report on with alarming warnings: a global response unprecedented in scale and speed is needed to avert catastrophe. They warn that the global community has only one...
Mar 6, 2019 | Science & Technology
By Pep Canadell, Corinne Le Quere, Glen Peters, Jan Ivar Korsbakken & Robbie Andrew Eighteen countries from developed economies have had declining carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels for at least a decade. While every nation is unique, they share some...
Dec 20, 2018 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
The debate is over. All life on planet Earth is threatened by man-made climate change. Within our lifetimes, the oceans will rise, weather will get more extreme, our air, soil, and water will become more tainted and toxic. Animals will perish en masse – and humans are...
Dec 17, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Heather Alberro Radical environmentalists are fighting climate change, so why are they being persecuted? Climate change, deforestation, widespread pollution and the sixth mass extinction of biodiversity all define living in our world today – an era that has come to...
Dec 11, 2018 | Science & Technology
By Brittany Ward Paleoclimatologists are digging into the connections between the collapse of Mayan Civilization and extreme droughts. Over 1,000 years ago, droughts plagued the Yucatan peninsula. The Yucatan was home to the Classic Lowland Maya Civilization, of...