Reimagining Our World.

New Competition Deadline: Thursday 23rd November 2023

What we value in society shapes our behaviour and influences our current and future world. Our aspirations, definitions, and incentives related to “success” and “beauty” affect our work, finances, and time. These incentives and our related actions sometimes have devastating consequences for our well-being, relationships, and planet.

Ngā Ara Whetū and The Big Q want to reimagine what’s possible. What is possible with a different definition of success? A different definition of beauty?

A new vision for our world?

Click below for our competition brief, or scroll down to enter!


Redefining Success.

How would our world change if success wasn’t measured in money? Currently, billionaires emit one million times more greenhouse gasses than the average person through their investments alone. Can we detach success from accumulation and value diverse visions of success that are attainable and sustainable?


Redefining Beauty.

What would the world look like if beauty was a way of being rather than a way of looking? The fast fashion industry is our second-biggest consumer of water and is responsible for more carbon emissions than all international flights and maritime activity combined. What would beauty mean if we stopped trying to change ourselves and started recognising our strength, kindness, humour, and connectivity as beautiful?

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the competition, please get in touch!


For terms and conditions please see University of Auckland – Standard competition terms and conditions.