May 5, 2023 | Featured, Ngā Ara Whetū
Can New Zealand become a circular economy? Can we change from a throwaway economy to one that reuses resources? And what does that mean for business? Ngā Ara Whetū talks with Chief Executive Officer at The Packaging Forum Rob Langford and Head Of Sustainability at Te...
May 4, 2023 | Featured, Politics & Society
Photo by Andres Siimon on Unsplash Janet Hoek, University of Otago and Anna DeMello, University of Otago Tobacco companies claim to be transforming their business by “reducing the health impact” of their products. Yet they often oppose the very policies that could...
May 1, 2023 | Business & Economics, Featured
Photo by Thomas Coker on Unsplash Craig Elliffe, University of Auckland If nothing else, the just released Inland Revenue study of the tax rates paid by the wealthiest New Zealanders should put to rest the notion we have a progressive tax system. We don’t. A...