Unprecedented storms and fires are ravaging communities and destroying lives, all the while revealing power dynamics in society, politics and economics. What are these risks and revelations? What needs to be done? Steve Matthewman and Naomi Zack discuss with Maria Armoudian how disasters reveal hidden social arrangements and power dynamics in society.

Steve Matthewman is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He is an expert in the sociology of energy and disasters and is the author of Disasters, Risks and Revelation Making Sense of Our Times.

Naomi Zack is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oregon. She is an expert in the philosophy of race and is the author of Ethics for Disaster (Studies in Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy).



This interview originally aired on the Scholars’ Circle. To access our archive of episodes and download this interview, click here.

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Disclaimer: The ideas expressed in this podcast reflect the views of the guests and not necessarily the views of The Big Q. 

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